Also be sure to remove any extra text from the email like your signature. Don't leave any extra blank lines before or after the text you copy-and-pasted. Make sure the body of your email is exactly as what was displayed in the SPSS License Authorization Wizard program. Next open up the text file you created on the USB drive and copy-and-paste the contents of the text file into the new email you are creating.
Case sensitivity matters so type the subject line exactly as it was displayed in the SPSS License Authorization Wizard program. Next type in the EXACT email subject line that you took note of in the previous step. In the new email specify in the "To" field the IBM email address you took note of in the previous step. Launch whatever email program you normally use and create a new email. You can find this by Googling it or checking the support knowledge base at IBM/SPSS.Now take your USB drive to a different computer that has a working internet connection where you can send emails from. You have now completed the installation and license the authorization of your new SPSS software. The License Authorization Wizard should then launch.
You should see an application called License Authorization Wizard. Inside that folder should be a folder called SPSS 22, 23, 24, (depending on your specific version). In your Applications folder, you should see either an IBM folder or an SPSS folder.
You have now completed the installation and license authorization of your new SPSS software.
If successful, the installer should report "Successfully processed all codes." Click Next. Enter the authorization code you received in your SPSS order confirmation, then click Next. On the Product Authorization window, select the button next to License my product now. The wizard should display the License Status window, which shows the authorization status for all detected SPSS components. (If you do not have a Windows user account with full Administrator rights, please see your local system administrator or technical support provider.) The License Authorization Wizard should then launch. Log in to a Windows user account with full Administrator access rights. Right-click the License Authorization Wizard icon, and select Run As Administrator. In that folder, you will see a program called either SPSS License Authorization Wizard or IBM SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard. In your list of programs, you will see a folder called either SPSS or IBM SPSS Statistics. In the Start menu, select All Programs. There is a license authorization wizard for SPSS that downloads itself with the program.