How to convert exe to apk on android
How to convert exe to apk on android

Instruction video showing how to program your VE.Bus product in VE. These free online converters can be used to convert Windows files into Android files. On computers with internet, Windows will automatically download the correct driver itself. One method is to employ a software converter.

how to convert exe to apk on android

To install the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver on a computer without internet, first download the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver using VEConfig3 and install it by selecting the menu Special -> USB Drivers. Only afterwards connect the MK2-USB / MK3-USB to your computer for the first time. USB driver installation program for MK2-USB / To connect your computer to a VE.Bus product (Multis, Quattros and Inverters), you need a driver for MK2-USB (ASS030130000) / MK3-USB (ASS030140000) and an RJ45 UTP cable (ASS030064xxx and ASS030065xxx).

  • VEFlash (v9005162) - Firmware update tool to update VE.Bus products.
  • VE.Bus System Configurator (v9009153) - For larger installations.
  • Once the necessary files are uploaded, the tool will start converting them automatically. Click the Next tab, browse and select the.

    how to convert exe to apk on android

    You may have some luck with Monodroid, but I assume you will have lots of trouble getting an application written for desktop screen size with mouse and keyboard running on an Android device. Open EXE to APK Converter Tool and double click EXE to APK Converter.exe to start the EXE to APK converter software.

    how to convert exe to apk on android

  • VE.Bus Quick Configure (v9010153) - For installations up to 3 Multis The app is written in c, but the regular Android development tools uses Java.

  • How to convert exe to apk on android