As a result, Kevin had to wear an ID Mask in public to appear human.

After he went through a mutation, an unbalanced mixture of various matters, the transformation completely destroyed his clothes, except his briefs. In Season 2 of Alien Force, he wore a short-sleeved light blue oil-stained mechanic's jacket over a white muscular shirt, blue pants, and his black combat shoes. His hair, although still long, was styled into a choppy mullet.

His normal attire in Season 1, as well as Ultimate Alien, was a tight black T-shirt over a grey long sleeve shirt, blue pants, and black combat shoes. His eyes lacked the black marks (as his body fully recovered from and stopped absorbing energy). In Alien Force, Kevin grew into a tall and muscular young man. After absorbing an Omnitrix feedback, Kevin was able to transform into exact copies of all of the unlocked aliens, missing an Omnitrix symbol. He wore a torn black T-shirt, black studded armbands, brown cargo pants, black boots, and a padlock necklace which is a spoil from his first crime: stealing a bike and using it to run away to New York. In the Original Series, Kevin was a thin and scrawny boy with shoulder-length black hair, pale skin, and dark brown eyes with black-discolored marks around them (a sign that Kevin has recently absorbed energy).